Thursday, 20 January 2011

The "dare to be bare" question

I make hair... people buy it... and occasionally some ask me strange things about it. One guy once requiested I make prim eyebrows, and I have every intention of doing so once I can figure out when and where to fit it into my agenda... but one of the requests I had stuck, because it came from a very dear friend...

"Kalli..." she said tentatively. "I was wondering... I've bought a new skin that I really like... but it's..." her voice tailed off... well... she stopped typing. Long story short, she was a little freaked out with the "bare down there" look of it - and this got me to thinking.

This would have been back in October last year - OK, I'm a little slow when it comes to new textures, but I got there. Initially I drew up a set pf pubic hair that covered a fair proportion of the pubic bone without looking too much (its semi-transparent as well, so the natural gaps between hairs are more obvious) and while I was thinking about it, I realised that to be brutally honest, my skins were also cleanshaven... and it would be nice to have a little something there - so I created a smaller triangle as well... and then a line... a set of handlebars, a heart... you get the idea. In the end I (somewhat crassly) named them the "topiary" collection and set about getting them made up.

Anyway - this is tangential. I made the larger ones first but was unhappy with the first batch, even though I created all 36 colorways... so I went back to the drawing board and am now happy to give to you the 'Fan' range. In three packs at first, but I'll add more when I get to it in the next few weeks.

There they are in all thier glory - currently up on the Marketplace. Just search for dDx Fan and you'll go straight to them - provided you have your mature filter enabled.

Just a note, the 'triangles' - the smaller ones - have been live in blondes and reds for a couple of weeks now, but in my haste to consolidate my shop a little, and movre stock to the Marketplace, I lost a little steam in tinting those. They'll follow in due course - along with the line, the handlebars... the heart...

Until next time,


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